Our TecCom Excellence Program, Order Pro, makes sure that you are fulfilling the highest market standards in data quality for your buyers.
Buyers prefer to order from suppliers who meet various market and TecCom data standards. Easily improve your business standards and data quality.
Discover opportunities to find new business partners and extend your global network in the aftermarket.
Ensure a new message quality level with various benefits for the most aligned customers.
With our new TXML 5.0 communication format we are defining new standards to boost business relations.
Through a validation or certification process TecAlliance guarantees the good message quality and process conformity of a supplier, supporting it with a publication of the validation report or the publication of the certification results on the TecCom Portal.
Improved message quality and process conformity leads to an easier connection to potential new customers on our platform.
The higher your data quality the easier it is for you to automate your order processing. Satisfy your buyers and lower your support efforts.
Our Excellence Program was developed in close collaboration with our suppliers based on extensive research with aftermarket buyers.
Get certified in our TecCom Order Pro Program and forge new business relations on our platform.
Choose between a guided do-it-yourself validation or making the best out of your data and getting certified by our expert team.
Based on our market expertise we developed a set of business rules to define our new process standards. This vision means no late arrivals, no multiple order triggering, and no wrong items being shipped.
Tool-based check and review of the compliance of your messages with the business rules.
Fair, transparent and comprehensible process to improve your data quality.
Publish the quality of your business process on our TecCom Platform.
Our data experts support you through the whole process and make sure you achieve maximum data quality. Become TecCom Certified and increase your visibility on our platform.
Our TecCom consulting teams accompany you through the entire process.
Our consultants support your team optimising the quality of your data based on the validation.
The results of the certification will be published on our TecCom Platform with a star-rating and our member badge.
Increase the quality of your data and easily connect to new customers. Sign up for our Validation or Certification process today.